First Adventure


Hi Debbie,

Astrid had her Parent/Teacher interviews last week and while WE know she’s amazing, you always worry how other perceive your child. I am ashamed to say that I was even a little worried that she might not know as much as her peers.. I know we aren’t supposed to compare our children to others, but I think everyone does.

Astrid’s teacher had nothing negative to say about her – the same things we’ve heard for years at First Adventure – That she is sociable and always happy and she has made some good little friends. Her teacher though did say that Astrid had adapted fantastically to JK and the routine that the classroom presented. She could count higher that most of her JK peers and knew how to write and identify all her letters, which surpassed even some of her SK class-mates.  She is able to put things into context very easily and can reason problems out. Using those skills, her reading is coming along perfectly.

While we have to take some of the credit (good genes, naturally!) I actually told her Teacher that I attributed her skills to the fact she was a First Adventure kid. I remember being amazed at the stuff she was learning at the center and I know the structure and criteria was crucial in helping her transition to Kindergarten with ease. Starting this month, they are moving her to the SK homework calander to challenge her a bit more. (Am I bragging? Why yes, I am….)

We are so proud of Astrid and how she’s adapted to ‘big girl school” and we recognize the role that her daycare played in her successes.  I know I tell you all the time how much we love the program.. and now it sounds like bragging because I am on the board… but I totally feel like Astrid and Leon have gotten and will get such a great foundation with your staff!

So thanks and congrats for a successful ½ year JK graduate!

Speak soon,


P.s. Astrid was also chosen as the “Terrific Kid” for November for the theme of Honesty. Yes, this is me still bragging.